vSmartMOM Module References

1. Sanghavi, S., Davis, A.B. and Eldering, A., 2014. vSmartMOM: A vector matrix operator 
method-based radiative transfer model linearized with respect to aerosol properties. Journal of 
Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 133, pp.412-433.

2. Sanghavi, S. and Stephens, G., 2015. Adaptation of the delta-m and δ-fit truncation methods 
to vector radiative transfer: Effect of truncation on radiative transfer accuracy. Journal of 
Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 159, pp.53-68.

3. Grant, I.P. and Hunt, G.E., 1969. Discrete space theory of radiative transfer I. 
Fundamentals. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences, 
313(1513), pp. 183-197.

4. Plass, G.N., Kattawar, G.W. and Catchings, F.E., 1973. Matrix operator theory of radiative 
transfer. 1: Rayleigh scattering. Applied Optics, 12(2), pp.314-329.